Chapel Hill
Continuing almost 100 years of service and commitment to Como with a vibrant new community development.
After nearly a century of presence and service to the community our vision is to create a new ‘light on the hill’ – a thriving residential community hub to be known as Chapel Hill that will bring new pride and added life to the area, and provide community, recreational and commercial facilities for everybody, including those who already live in this part of Como.

Chapel Hill’s strong community and not-for-profit ethos will see it provide facilities which are as accessible as possible to people of all ages, abilities and stages of life, and physical needs.
Continuing its active, on-site presence, the Church’s Bridge Organisation will actively manage community facilities and services, and where possible, work in conjunction with other community service organisations, such as supported housing, aging, disability and special needs providers, and the City of South Perth to ensure effective ongoing delivery of community services and facilities.
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The Project
Adjacent to the future Cassey Street transport boulevard, Chapel Hill will be a place where locals, apartment residents and the site’s working population can enjoy genuine opportunities for living, recreation, worshipping and working.
The best practice, environmentally sustainable staged development will be an aesthetically welcoming, modern landmark comprising 224 apartments, including affordable accommodation, the Canning Bridge Early Learning Centre and community and commercial/retail/healthcare facilities.
Construction is scheduled in two to three stages, the first being a ten-storey building to be known as The Promontory at Chapel Hill on the currently vacant triangle site at the corner of Robert Street and Canning Highway. Work on this stage is expected to commence as soon as possible. Once completed, the existing Church buildings – except the chapel – will make way for a twelve-storey building, and finally a 15 storey building. The Church’s almost 90 year old chapel and a large tuart tree will be preserved as heritage items for future generations.

The development Chapel Hill will comprise elements such as:
South Como Hall (‘the Chapel’) and Tuart tree, as well as a new heritage walk integrating the local indigenous story and historical markers.

Public Open Space
Public Plaza, art displays, markets and special events, landscaping and café facilities, community gatherings and informal meeting spaces, as well as amenities and facilities, incorporating a children’s play area.

Brief History
Today, up to 150 people regularly worship and participate in church activities, while the Early Learning Centre provides childcare facilities and services for more than 80 children each week.
For further information and sales enquiries, please click here.
Developed by
Como Bridge Unit Trust
Planned by